
Condemnation of the Epiphany Riots

I have been silent, in terms of writing, for some time. The last 6 years I have had regular employment, and that coupled with my primary responsibilities as husband and father has left little time, energy, or inclination to reach out to a broader audience. However, I write now in a time of crisis and... Continue Reading →

Fields of Thought

A religion which is rich in this sense always has a number of ideas in reserve. Besides the ideas that are being applied to a particular problem or a particular period, there are a number of rich fields of thought which are, in that sense, lying fallow. Where a new theory, invented to meet a... Continue Reading →

Intellectual Charity And Returning to Writing

Sincerely I learned about wisdom, and ungrudgingly do I share— her riches I do not hide away;For she is an unfailing treasure;     those who gain this treasure win the friendship of God,     being commended by the gifts that come from her discipline. Now God grant I speak suitably     and value these endowments at their worth:... Continue Reading →

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