Christians as the Soul of the World

Sometime in the second century after Christ, a letter to Diognetus was written explaining Christianity. The author is unknown, and it is not known if the Diognetus that it was addressed to was the Diognetus that tutored Marcus Aurelius - but those details are unrelated to the importance of the letter, now known as the... Continue Reading →

What Does Religious Freedom Look Like?

It is a tenet of this blog to avoid current events. This post will push the limit, since there are current events that inspired it and will be mentioned; however the purpose is for more persistent. Christian persecution is again making world headlines. A woman in the Sudan has been sentenced to death for refusing... Continue Reading →

How to Defeat Fear

  We are called as Christians to be fearless, and to not fear men, the world, or evil. And yet we are still afraid of many things. How do we conquer our fears? That's probably the wrong question. How do you work through the fear, persevere through the fear, resist letting the fear paralyze you.... Continue Reading →

The Urge To Purge

As a Christian you profess a faith in a God who provides for you, but from whom you are distracted by things of this world... If you know you could be happy with half the things you own... If you want less stuff in your life, and feel the need to simplify... If you recognize... Continue Reading →

The Lightness of Evil

A colleague of mine recently wrote me and told me he appreciated the good vs evil theme of my work. Which got me thinking. I never could get into the horror of H.P. Lovecraft. The idea of a great and terrible ancient god, with a mighty tentacled head, rising out of the sea, worshiped by... Continue Reading →


Years ago, I remember putting a lot of hours in a short period of time into getting my second book, Guerrilla Apologetics for Life Issues, ready for an upcoming conference. One book, or one product, is not enough for a company. However, the book was a disappointment sales-wise. Despite the benefit of being a writer... Continue Reading →

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