After several years of publishing Clean of Heart by Rosemarie Scott, an invaluable book for overcoming habitual sins against purity - put bluntly, pornography and masturbation - the program is no longer distributed by myself or Eternal Revolution (or the old name that appears on the Revised Edition of the book, R.A.G.E. Media. ) Rosemarie has... Continue Reading →
Mea Culpa
The past several months have been full of radical changes here. Radical, coming from the same Latin root as the word "root." The shift has changed the very basics of my family's life, particularly our available time. This "root" change has led me too look back over the past seven years of Eternal Revolution and... Continue Reading →
When the World Falls Apart
When your world is falling apart, what is it that is actually changing so drastically? It cannot be anything that can affect your salvation. It may be a change in your role - or what you thought your role was - in the story of salvation. When Peter was called from his boat, when Paul... Continue Reading →
Dependence and Charity
The stated goal of many charities is to encourage independence of families or the individual. The entire operation, if properly aligned, is to help the person and those they support to no longer become dependent on some other entity - in most cases that means they organization specifically does not want the person to remain... Continue Reading →
What are You Afraid of?
As we start another week, what is it that you are afraid of? What is keeping you from doing the miraculous, the amazing, the incredible for the Kingdom of God? Peter could step out of the boat and take a few steps, until he became fearful - even when Our Lord was right there in... Continue Reading →
The Purpose of Suffering in the Eternal Revolution
There are times when we go through deserts of life - the times when we feel that we have been cast adrift with no divine wind in our sails. There are other times when we suffer acute pain: mental, physical, or emotional anguish of a particular kind or from a particular source. Both of these... Continue Reading →
We Don’t Teach Children Justice
Think about this for a moment: Do we really teach children - with the exception of the mine phase - what justice is? I mean, do we have to teach them about fairness? With my own children, and the children I encounter is schools and other community functions, I hear adults and myself having to say... Continue Reading →
We Don’t Need Another Manifesto
As Christians, we know what we believe. It is expressed concisely in the Apostle's Creed or more completely in the Bible itself. We have a vision. It is that of the Kingdom of Heaven, of Eden and existence beyond the Judgement, where the ideals we desire, justice, truth, and charity are perfectly expressed. We have a... Continue Reading →
Why Chesterton and Revolution?
Someone asked me a question yesterday via the site: If "revolution" is so often used as a leftist and communist idea, why would a Christian author like G.K. Chesterton issue a call to revolution like "Pray for Revolution?" To paraphrase Chesterton in Manalive, a revolution is always a return. A revolution is a radical change,... Continue Reading →
Why I Write Short Books (and Blog Posts)
The Eternal Revolution can now be ordered from Amazon, and I am still awaiting my first shipment from the printer. As this latest books finds its way into people's hands, one of the first things you will notice is that it is relatively short for a book. At just over 6,000 words and 40 pages... Continue Reading →