
Don’t Comment Here, Comment Out There

It has been considered generally good blogging advice to enable and use comments on posts. On this blog, comments are disabled. As I prepare my editorial calendar to begin resuming regular updates, I realized I never explained why I have decided this. The idea of having comment threads on a blog is to create a... Continue Reading →

On Being Where You Are

As St. Patrick's day approaches, and thoughts turn to Ireland (or at least some fabled Emerald Isle that bears the name) I think there is something in the saint's story worth considering when we reflect on our local church: 1) There are many beautiful churches and cathedrals in Ireland. 2) Many modern (built in the 70's... Continue Reading →

Coffee Doesn’t Cure Acedia

The many changes over the past seven months (and more) with this site and my work has a rather simple explanation. After about 7 years of freelancing, I got a regular job. The biggest adjustment for my family has been the time; a commute, 8 hours of work or more, lunch time that doesn't count... Continue Reading →

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