It is a tenet of this blog to avoid current events. This post will push the limit, since there are current events that inspired it and will be mentioned; however the purpose is for more persistent. Christian persecution is again making world headlines. A woman in the Sudan has been sentenced to death for refusing... Continue Reading →
7 Most Popular G.K. Chesterton Quotes He Never Said
G.K. Chesterton is practically infinitely quotable, a fact that I have put to the test over the past several years curating the Daily Chesterton Quote site and service. However, when you combine such a prolific writer with a legacy over a century old, plus the Internet, you stumble upon a few misattributed quotes. Some of... Continue Reading →
A Want of Something to Do: Guest Post by G.K. Chesterton
This post is an excerpt from G.K. Chesterton's personal notebook, published for the first time in his biography by friend and publisher Masie Ward. According to Ward, he did not yet consider himself a Christian, but noted the disparity between modern Christians chasing a cause (in this case Socialism) and Christianity as Christ preached it. ... Continue Reading →
Lord, What Do You Really Want Me to Do?
This past week I was wrestling with a choice between two paths. It was one of those matters that would significantly change the focus of my work and my family's way of living. Either choice would have been good, but the difficulty was which path was God's will. Someone gave me wise counsel on the... Continue Reading →
Years ago, I remember putting a lot of hours in a short period of time into getting my second book, Guerrilla Apologetics for Life Issues, ready for an upcoming conference. One book, or one product, is not enough for a company. However, the book was a disappointment sales-wise. Despite the benefit of being a writer... Continue Reading →
Examination Of Conscience by Virtues and Vices
Pursuit of the Christian ideal is more than being simply moral, we are called to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect (Mathew 5:48). A daily or regular examination of conscience, sometimes referred to as an examen, is a practice that goes back to the very early days of Christianity. It is... Continue Reading →
Revolution Starts With You
It is all too easy to push off changing the world to things that “society,” “the future,” or even worse, “the government” ought to do. You may have noticed we don’t talk a lot here on Eternal Revolution about current politics, if at all. Most of us can’t affect the power plays of the ruling... Continue Reading →
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin, and Charity
A graphic recently came up on facebook with a quote from Christian comedian Mark Lowry. "Love the sinner, hate the sin? How about: Love the sinner, hate your own sin! I don't have time to hate your sin. There are too many of you! Hating my sin is a full-time job. How about you hate... Continue Reading →
The Facebook Farewell
Today, I unfriended everyone on Facebook and unsubscribed from every group to which I belonged. My decision was not based on a terrible incident, or fear of government spying - definitely not the latter, as my father had worked for the NSA in the 1970's on a project called Echelon. Nor did I do it... Continue Reading →
Play Thy Own Game
I really do try to avoid Facebook. The few times I popped on, though, my feed was full of reactions to goings-on in the news, even from bloggers and writers that I follow for their essays. A politician did or said something stupid and frightening, something obscene happened on a tv show on a channel... Continue Reading →